Over the eons of time my love has manifested itself within physical embodiment, some of which have been called an Avatar. Each appearance has been to reignite the flames within you to illuminate more brightly through the word and action of truth. Not all will sense these bodily incarnations as a reflection of me, but no matter, my concern is that every one of you can be a witness to the scales of truth and wisdom. Know that these bodies past and present have been no more than a ripple upon the waters of human emotion which I send for humankind to change oneself, your communities and society around the world. By connecting not on the ‘exterior’ but within thyself, my breath which is the very air that you inhale and exhale will enable you to refocus on the ‘Sai-lense. (This is a reference to silence and to Sai Baba of India who is an Avatar of this age). Then, your love becomes magnified beyond all recognition.
SSS- 6 Sentence Sunday Post for 16-01-2011
