Hello to one all
! As I have had so many comments requesting to see nd read a little more than the usual 6 sentences blog post I just thought I would share a little more with you having recently launched part one of
I am I: The In-Dweller of your Heart
I hope you’ll find it informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and soul that you can be .
Welcome! Many of you ask, (as if seeking permission) to come into my home, my kingdom. Please know that when you have love in your heart and learn to expand and radiate this love, you will understand that you are already there!
There is no separation or division, yet it can be deemed by many that you are my children and are eternally part of me. Your core and essence too is the love that you seek and is also that of which you already give and share, but please do not ever compare.
Love is infinite and no dimension of time, space or any plane of consciousness can ever distract from this, for I am all things and of course so much more. Know that you are also all these too because you are me, as I am you. We are not apart or a ‘part’ of anything else, for all Creation is one and ‘one’ is all Creation.
There is so very much to learn and again learning is infinite, but do not ever feel that you are pressured or are running out of time. All of existence and all that you can become are to be discovered at the right moment and right place, even though you sometimes feel held back or become frustrated.
There are many virtues and traits that are deep within each and every one of you. And yet every fibre, cell and particle that forms your being is the same. You are each unique and yet, as I will always reiterate, you are also ‘one’. Diverse in size, height, character and capable of different emotions and feelings maybe, but in truth with no difference at all!
Know that since time immemorial and across billions of worlds, numerous kinds of life seek answers to their questions. Deep within is where the answers lie and this is, was, and always will be so. Inside of you and in every thought and in every deed I am there, because dear child of light: I AM I.
David, I sense a query flash across your mind as you now write these words. You are concerned that some will ask, “Is this writing from a child of God? How is it possible?” The answer is simple, I am that I am….the God in me ‘is’. Some will then say, “What conduit is enabling the light to pass through the mind to the hand upon a pen, and if so, how and also why and when?” This is no mystery or complex issue to discover, manipulate or bend, for you are I and I am you. Know and understand that…
My love is your love in all that I send, for everything am I, Father, Mother or friend. In every leaf and rock upon land, sea, and air, you will find that my love is all and is there.
So please trust in your heart whilst learning to care, know your hearts can be open to both feel and to share. With your dreams and wishes and prayers that I hear, cherished laughter and your smile… but those tears I will clear.
I recognize all hearts filled with emotions that scar, and yet in the truth lies the door, for my heart is ajar. Know that love taken away may indeed cause you pain, but for those in the ‘experience’, it is never in vain.
And realise love does not fade like your memories can do, for the heart retains the truth and that is in you. My light and my love are for each and everything, so open heart, mind and Soul…to rejoice and to sing. You will then know that deep down inside, that I am in you and I shall not hide.
Have a good (or should I say ‘God’) day everyone…perhaps with thoughts and prayers for those who are less fortunate than ourselves. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.
PS If you have time, check out and ‘like‘ my Facebook fan page for more uplifting links and info too… http://www.facebook.com/pages/AscensionForYou-Spiritual-Guidance-and%20Education/147338671945241
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God Bless and keep shining brightly! Dave

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