Hi to you this Sunday … may these few words help nudge you in the right direction to become fulfilled and live a life full of hope and promise. As you are a spark of ‘Creation, the only person stopping you from realizing your dreams is you! So be bold and brave and go for it!
Understand that should you become ‘hurt’, criticized or condemned by another, please try to both forgive and forget. Likewise … do not dwell or succumb to ego when you assist or help too. (As I have said before, forget the good that you do).
Know that I am a witness to many, many people and those souls who do courageous and brave acts each day. They are those unrecognized faces, having hearts which swell with ‘love’ pumping through their veins … and do not need (or hold) medals and certificates to display their acts of kindness. Instead, they know the truth within themselves, having both knowledge and experience, which leads to wisdom. This is then shared through their hands and voices, both freely and openly.
I am not saying that I want (or need) you to become a ‘hero’ for me (or even your fellow man), but I state it is rather down to you and you alone, whether or not you want to change even a fragment of your daily life. So, right now … ask yourself if you are living just for you, and if you could perhaps have been a better father, mother, son or daughter, relative or friend in the last hour, day, month or year. Then, and more appropriately, do you want to be?
Once again, these choices have been and always will be your own. All I am saying is that the opportunities are there for you all, every minute of every day, to express the true love that you each surely are. Remember, that I love you and I love you all … and so I will forever try to encourage, guide and protect you in all of your desires, and more importantly, your needs of the physical, mental, spiritual and ethereal realms.
Well, will you now rise to the challenges which lie ahead? If so, just remain strong, in the knowing I am calling, loving and waiting for you to do just this. On the other hand, will you still slumber (and rest); attempting to resist your life’s many tasks and tests? So now I ask you, are you awake? Amen.
If you have enjoyed the Spiritual guidance and education, we would be grateful if you could leave a comment and / or share the post to your social media. It would be most appreciated! God Bless to all, Dave / AscensionForYou
This blog hopes to encourage and inspire the reader, the aspirant and the devotee of truth, and ultimately help each and every soul to understand and answer three questions, ‘Who am I, why am I here, and where am I going?’ As each post that you read is written by ‘inner-dictation’, these snippets an also form an invisible link between all our hearts, while resonating deep within you, to help guide you towards your own goal of self-realization, and into bliss and eternal peace.

Paperback and eBook via Amazon.com / Kindle
Paperback and eBook via Amazon.co.uk / kindle
Other available reading formats via Smashwords

I will continue to post extracts from them which I hope you will find informative, uplifting and encourage you to become the best person, human being and soul that you can be! Remember, parts 1 and 2 (and in 2013 -part 3), have all been collated with and through ‘inner dictation’ from my speaking heart to yours … so enjoy!

Copyright © 2012 by DPK Publishing. All rights reserved.
May you keep shining each and every day. God bless you all, Dave -AscensionForYou- Knight.
PS If you have time, please check out / ‘like‘ my Facebook fan page, … http://www.facebook.com/pages/AscensionForYou-Spiritual-Guidance-and%20Education/147338671945241
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Reprinted from David Knight’s AscensionForYou’s Blog. For more information about AscensionForYou please visit
You can follow me too at Twitter.com/AscensionForYou

Here are the links again to part one of the series
I am I : The In-Dweller of Your Heart.
Paperback and eBook via Amazon.com / Kindle
Paperback and eBook via Amazon.co.uk / kindle
Other available reading formats via Smashwords
I am I: The In-Dweller of Your Heart – Video Trailer